đź’¬ UXD Quote #3

“Customer service is where actual, individual human needs and expectations crash headfirst into reality.”

Erika Hall

My favourite shortcut to “first-hand” insights from customers is talking to customer-support frontline workers. If you’re looking for great research insights, and don’t have budget for talking to your customers directly, try talking to your customer support teams who directly deals with customer issues. If a customer needed to reach out to your support team it’s a great indicator of an opportunity that exists in your product.

đź“š Source: Just Enough Research by Erika Hall

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đź’¬ UXD Quote #1

“All it takes to turn potential hindsight into happy foresight is keeping your eyes open and asking the right questions. Failing isn’t the only way to learn.”

Erika Hall

Data can be inaccurate and misleading. It is better to assume that not all data you get is always 100% accurate. And also be aware of the possibility of biased interpretation of your data. Data can often be intentionally skewed by those presenting it to us.

đź“š Source: Just Enough Research by Erika Hall

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“If you base all your design decisions on data only, your designs will be only as good as your data is.”

Data can be inaccurate and misleading. It is better to assume that not all data you get is always 100% accurate. And also be aware of the possibility of biased interpretation of your data.

Learn more

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