My Writings & Contemplations

Semi-curated list of my personal writings and scribbles on various topics, mostly UX design and marketing related.

Design contemplations
Others contemplations

If you haven’t figure it out yet, this page is basically a gateway to some of my writings, scribbles and contemplations on design, marketing and topics of transcendentalism, humanism and other semi-philosophical stuff. To help you navigate this mess of scribbles, following is the curated list of some of my favourite writings and contemplations on design, marketing, accessibility and other topics. I hope you find some of it useful and enjoyable to read.

Writings on design

Various articles, scribbles and contemplations mostly on topics of UX design and research.

Design Myths Debunked: Why Absolute Statements in Digital Design Rarely Hold True

Writings on accessibility

These are my writings and contemplations on building and creating more accessible products, and inclusive experiences for everyone.

Designing for All: Insights from Jim Hogan’s Neurodiversity and Sensory Awareness Talk