💬 UXD Quote #5

“You don’t truly understand something until you quantified it. But you understand nothing at all if all you do is quantify.”

Unknown Author

The limitation of quantitative data is that it describes what happened but not why or how it happened. As design researchers, we should seek answers to the questions of why by talking to our customers or stakeholders.

Combining quantitative and qualitative research methods is a good rule of thumb. Remember, quantitative and qualitative methods complement one another; they are complementary, not mutually exclusive.  

📚 Source: 101 Things I Learned® in Engineering School by John Kuprenas & Matthew Frederick

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“If you base all your design decisions on data only, your designs will be only as good as your data is.”

Data can be inaccurate and misleading. It is better to assume that not all data you get is always 100% accurate. And also be aware of the possibility of biased interpretation of your data.

Learn more

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